Armed Forces Covenant - Project
Our Project - Service Pupil Champion.
With the huge support from The Armed Forces Covenant, we have just completed our Service Pupils Champion Project.
This involved:
- Assessing and identifying pupils at risk of underperforming.
- Employing experienced teaching assistants (pupils tutors) to provide targeted intervention strategies and bespoke support for individuals and groups of pupils in Cottesmore Academy.
- Attending local and national networks.
- Working alongside representatives of the SCiP Alliance.
- Providing regular updates for all headteachers and school leaders.
- Training and signposting for school leaders re: Service Pupils Premium.
- Our Armed Forces Day – RLT Music Festival 2024.
This is how our Service Pupils performed across the Trust.
Data Capture August 30th 2024 - Service pupils across the RLT
EYFS - Good Level of Development 77% - 10% above National Averages
Phonics - Year 1 83% - 4% above National Averages
Year 2 Reading at Expected Standard + 77%. 8% above National Averages
Year 2 Writing at Expected Standard + 73%. 13% above National Averages
Year 2 Maths at Expected Standard + 80%. 10% above National Averages
RWM combined 70% at Expected Standard. 13 at Greater Depth
Year 6 Reading at Expected Standard + 83%. 9% above National Averages
Year 6 Writing at Expected Standard + 79%. 7% above National Averages
Year 6 Maths at Expected Standard + 80%. 3% below National Averages
Year 6 SPaG at Expected Standard + 79%. 7% above National Averages
Year 6 science 94% at EXS
Progress from KS1 to KS2
Reading 80% of pupils made expected progress, 25% made accelerated progress
Writing 80% of pupils made expected progress, 25% made accelerated progress
Maths 70% of pupils made expected progress, 15% made accelerated progress
What was the impact of our project?
- Stronger induction procedures for service pupils
- Improving standards
- Strong attendance
- High participation rates for enrichment and sporting events
- Lots of smiles!