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Welcome to

The Rutland

Learning Trust

Our Multi-Academy Trust

RLT People Strategy


RLT Ethos: All Schools together

“Every Part Depending on Each Other”


In 1 Corinthians 12, St Paul famously compares the Christian community to the human body.Our eyes couldn’t do much if we had no hands, and our head wouldn’t get very far if we had no feet. In the same way, we don’t get very far by trying to do Christ’s work alone! To carry out our mission, we need every bit of our body to work together, because each of us has gifts and our part to play.


“our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. …  
In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. …  This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honoured, all the parts are glad.” (1 Corinthians 12)



RLT’s origins lie in schools with an Anglican Christian character which continues to be central to the Trust’s vision today. 


The statement above expresses our broad and generous understanding of this character. Historically, Church of England schools were dedicated by their trust deeds to the education of the local community and children of all faiths and none, in the context of an open Christian ethos. A personal faith is not a requirement for anyone to be part of the Trust, nor is a Christian identity a requirement for schools which wish to join us. For us, Christian ethos is expressed above all in a commitment to work together in partnership and serve the common good.


Our schools serve local communities that are unique, all in their own unique way. The Trust’s purpose is to support them to do this. Local identity has always been an important principle of RLT and we are clear that we do not want to produce identikit schools. Within broad parameters, each school in the Trust is encouraged and supported to develop its own ethos and express the values that are important for its own life and work. For church schools, this will include exploring the values of the Christian tradition. For other schools, this will be expressed in ways which are meaningful in their particular context. We are proud to be a ‘mixed MAT’ of church and community schools and welcome everyone who believes children should come first and wants to work with us to ensure they are given an excellent start in life.


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