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The Rutland

Learning Trust

Our Schools

Our schools

  • Provide a broad, balanced and inspirational curriculum for all children.

  • Produce independent thinkers and learners who are ready for 21st Century Learning:
    Resilient, Responsible, Resourceful, Risk Taking, Reflective and Respectful learners.

  • Develop confident, creative, self-assured, collaborative pupils who love to learn, to contribute and to achieve.

  • Encourage pupils to be inquisitive and passionate about their learning. 

  • Cultivate a desire within our children to protect and care for the environment and contribute positively to the local community of which they are members.

  • Encourage all pupils to grow in stature, confidence and self-esteem through encouragement, reward and recognition.

  • Provide a wide range of extra curricular and enrichment activities to enhance and deepen skills.

  • Foster a healthy competitive attitude, a desire to be successful, a commitment to fair play and to appreciate and enjoy the pleasure of taking part.

  • Ensure all children reach their full potential by providing relevant and challenging technological educational experiences.

  • Strengthen partnerships with families so that they feel fully involved in their child’s education.

  • Teach the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs – reinforced through our Christian values.


Cottesmore Academy                                                                       

Ofsted - strong GOOD in all areas. 
“Children get off to a flying start at Cottesmore Academy! The school is EPIC! There is an inclusive environment where all are welcome and cared for.
The school nurtures curiosity and an enjoyment of learning. Teachers and children have a mutual respect for each other. Leaders are highly ambitious, and teachers are skilled.” OFSTED May 2022

Empingham C of E Primary School

Pupils enjoy coming to this happy village school. They thrive because they are known as individuals. Right from the start of school staff get to know each child well and show high levels of care for them. Pupils are kept safe. Relationships between staff and pupils are positive. Pupils appreciate that each teacher makes learning fun in different ways.Many parents comment positively about the ‘family feel’ provided by the school. Leaders have established a culture of high expectations. The school’s motto, ‘Together, we rise to the challenge ’exemplifies the ambition they have for every pupil." OFSTED 2023



“The school's vision galvanises pupils and adults to ‘rise up and shine’.
The impact of this has been transformational for families and staff.” 
SIAMS 2023


Exton and Greetham CE Primary School                              

OFSTED 2022: Good.     Diocese Section 48 Inspection: Good''Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. This school is inclusive. Pupils, including those with SEND receive the support they need to flourish and achieve well. The school motto ‘we are kind, we are honest and we forgive’ is evident in all aspects of school life. Pupils are taught well – teachers explain new ideas and concepts clearly due to strong subject knowledge and nurturing relationships.'' 


Glapthorn CE Primary School

Ofsted GOOD in all areas.

Glapthorn Church of England Primary School is a happy, welcoming place.
Pupils comment that their teachers are supportive, kind and encouraging.

Pupils understand the school’s core values of love, courage, creativity, faithfulness and kindness. They adhere to these closely, showing care and concern for each other. 


Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and achievements. The school’s ‘learning dinosaurs’, Tryosaurus, Respectosaurus, Thinkosaurus and Explorasaurus, have been carefully constructed to combine learning behaviours with the school’s Christian values.

The school has a calm, orderly and purposeful atmosphere. Pupils behave well and are respectful to each other and to adults. Behaviour is positive in lessons and around the school site. Pupils say that bullying is rare. They trust staff to resolve incidents quickly.

Parents and carers are supportive of the school. One parent, typical of many, said, ‘Glapthorn Primary is not just a school, it is a community and a family.’ 


The school’s staff share the ambition for all pupils to achieve their best. Expectations are high for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have created a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. They have ensured that the curriculum in each subject starts in the early years and builds through to the end of Year 6. Leaders have identified the important knowledge they want pupils to learn and when. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and a clear passion for what they teach.


Great Casterton CE Primary School

There is much to celebrate at Great Casterton CE Primary School... "Children feel safe, are ambitious for themselves and their school.
They like learning and enjoy coming to school. 
This school inculcates a strong ethos and culture of inclusive care and support. Feedback from parents at school is overwhelmingly positive." OFSTED 2021


Ketton CE Primary School

OFSTED: Strong GOOD in all aspects.                           
Diocese Section 48 Inspection: Excellent


Pupils enjoy attending Ketton Church of England Primary School, they say that it is a caring school and that they feel safe and happy at Ketton. 

School leaders have high expectations of how pupils should behave, and pupils say that lessons are rarely interrupted by poor behaviour. 

Staff support pupils’ wellbeing because there is a well-planned curriculum in place for pupils’ personal development and wellbeing. 


Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, this ensures that pupils build on what they have already learned. 

The curriculum for each subject is very well sequenced with curriculum plans that detail the key knowledge and vocabulary leaders want pupils to learn. 

Teachers have high expectations of pupils and good subject knowledge on the subjects they teach.

Information is presented well by teachers. They use effective questioning and assessment to check pupils’ understanding and to address any misconceptions. 

Teachers give precise feedback so that pupils are clear about what they need to improve.


Leaders’ work on developing pupils’ writing skills is of a high quality.

Pupils’ writing skills are of a high-quality meaning they achieve extremely well in this area.

In mathematics lessons, pupils are confident in solving problems and they can explain what they have learned well. This means pupils achieve very well in the subject.


Leaders are ambitious for what pupils can achieve, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND well. Teachers understand the barriers to learning that pupils with SEND may have. Teaching assistants provide effective support for pupils when needed.



Langham CE Primary School

OFSTED: Good with outstanding aspects. Outstanding leadership.  Diocese Section 48 Inspection: Good with outstanding aspects       

“ Pupils are happy and enjoy school. They say school is ‘like a second home’. Pupils appreciate their caring teachers who listen to them and always help them. ‘The Langham Way’ helps pupils to make mature choices. They are proud to receive praise and awards for being resilient and respectful." Leaders set high expectations in all aspects of school life. They are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders prioritise pupils’ mental health and physical well-being. 


Oakham CE Primary School

Ofsted Good in all areas
The passionate, informed and determined leadership of the headteacher successfully unites the whole school team. There is a concerted focus on progress. This has secured significant improvements in the past two years. The headteacher has skilfully spotted and developed staff talents and skills, to form an effective leadership team. These leaders have been instrumental in securing improvements across the school.

Governors have effective skills and a clear understanding of the school. They make a strong contribution to the clear vision and rigour that is driving the school forward.

Pupils now make good progress from their starting points, with some accelerated progress in writing and mathematics.

Disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make the same good progress as others.

Pupils are keen to learn because the school’s curriculum interests them and helps them to know when they are successful and how to improve.

Pupils are proud of their school and behave well. Pupils say that they feel safe and are well cared for. Parents also have a high level of confidence in the school’s work.


Polebrook CE Primary School

"Strong leadership lies at the heart of the school's ambitious, broad and inclusive curriculum for all pupils. There has been transformational change ... Pupils know they are well cared for in this inclusive and welcoming school. " OFSTED 2023


SIAMS 2023 - Excellent. "What makes for excellence is the careful consideration and deliberate intent behind all the school’s activities. All are laid against the vision. This results in decisions and actions which are deeply rooted in it."


St Nicholas CE Primary School

OFSTED: Good in all areas

Diocese Section 48 Inspection: Excellence Award

Teachers and leaders at this school know each pupil individually. 
The overwhelming majority of parents and carers would recommend this school to another parent. One parent summed up the view of many when they said: ‘St Nicholas has a wonderful nurturing environment for my children to learn and grow. The staff care very much for the children and go over and above.’


Leaders have adapted and re-designed the curriculum. It is broad and ambitious. All pupils study this curriculum. ‘Learning journeys’ map out the most important concepts and essential knowledge in each subject. Subject leaders have designed the curriculum to be progressive so pupils can build on what they already know. 

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported in lessons. Their needs are accurately identified. Effective strategies are co-produced so that these pupils can achieve across the curriculum.


SIAMS 2024
"The shared and well embedded Christian vision drives school’s actions. This ensures pupils flourish, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and/or who are vulnerable. School leaders, including governors and the Rutland Learning Trust (RLT), steer a school culture where everyone is treated well. This means that adults and pupils feel happy and nurtured. Wider learning opportunities enrich pupils’ experiences. They develop new skills in line with the vision not to fear but believe in themselves."


Uppingham CE Academy

Uppingham Church of England Primary school is a nurturing and caring school. Parents speak highly about the support the school provides for their children, particularly parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).  

Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve and of how they should conduct themselves.

Leaders have ensured that there is an ambitious and well-planned curriculum for all subjects. OFSTED  2023


Whissendine CE Primary School

OFSTED: Consistently OUTSTANDING in all aspects - three consecutive inspections                                            
"This school is a beacon of exceptional practice in all key areas of its work. Pupils are highly enthusiastic about learning at every age throughout the school and make outstanding progress.”  OFSTED  


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